FAQCatégorie: Any other questionsWetherspoons warns customers the lime in their drinks may not be vegan
Nicole Amess demandée il y a 10 mois

Wetherspoons has warned customers that lime served in their drinks may not be vegan due to their wax coating.

The chain advised pub-goers to order their favourite tipple without ‘fruit garnish’ if they wish due to current supply issues with vegan limes.

It said that while its limes were normally suitable for vegans, it could not guarantee that the fruit coating would be not derived from animal products.

Citrus fruits are sometimes coated with beeswax, which is not considered vegan-friendly due to the impact of harvesting on hives.

A sign posted without context in one of the group’s bars read: ‘Due to a short-term supply issue, we cannot currently guarantee that the lime used in drinks is vegan.

Pictured: Nemanex Preis A sign at Wetherspoons warning customers that the lime served in their drink may not be vegan friendly

Wetherspoons have advised customers to order drinks without any fruit garnish if they wish

The group said that due to current supply issues it had switched the supplier of its limes

‘Please ask for your drink without any fruit garnish, if you wish.’

It added that the chain expected a normal supply of vegan limes would be resumed as soon as possible.

Animal products used on otherwise vegan-friendly fruit have caused headaches for major companies in the past.

Tesco admitted in 2022 that its citrus fruits were coated with shellac, an ingredient made from the lac bug. 

A spokesman for Wetherspoons said: ‘ Wetherspoon sources its lemons and limes from a vegan friendly supplier.

‘However, for a limited period of time, we are using a different supplier for our limes across our pubs.

‘We cannot, with the new supplier, guarantee that the limes are vegan friendly and as a result have put up the notice in our pubs.’


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